
Harvard Western Insurance

Just because your industry is conservative, stuffy or boring, doesn’t mean you have to be. In fact, you’re at an advantage. People expect you to be as dull as dishwater, so when you’re not, it’s gobsmacking!

Be humanly!

Freelance copywriting by Angie Hicks for Bravo Tango


When Toronto-based Rogers Media bought Saskatchewan’s public broadcaster with the intent to introduce commercial programming, it was important to reassure people that this was still OUR channel. Fortunately, Rogers had a sense of humour!

Freelance copywriting by Angie Hicks for Brown Communications Group

Speers Funeral And Cremation Services

Even though I was once editor of two magazines in the funeral industry, I’m always a little nervous walking into a funeral home. Bonnie at Speers made me feel so comfortable, we made her the ad.   Angie

Freelance copywriting by Angie Hicks for Bravo Tango


Brown Communications Group

Any time someone entrusts me to write for their brand, it’s an honour. When it’s someone in my industry, all the more so. Ad agency Brown Communications Group asked me to dream up some topical billboards to post outside their office on Regina’s busy Albert Street. With election day coming, and voter turnout traditionally pitiful, this idea sprang to mind. It was such a hit, Brown res-erected it the following election. (Sorry.)  Angie

Freelance copywriting by Angie Hicks for Brown Communications Group

P.S. Scroll to the bottom of our Regina Symphony Orchestra portfolio page to see another fun ad I got to write for Brown!